Science Camp 2018, Rostock
Networking, exchange and discussion were the main focus of this year’s Science Camp, which took place on 22.11.2018 at the atrium of Konrad-Zuse-Haus in Rostock.
Within the poster session Magdalena Gierschner presented the research project Netz-Stabil. Also Alexander Schöley with his topic „ Stability of Grid Side Invters of Wind Turbine Systems“ and Jan Sprafke with his topic „Sektorkopplung durch biologische Methanisierung” used the event to show their latest research results.
Minister Hesse, as patron, was represented on the Science Camp by her State Secretary Sebastian Schröder. Together with Wolfgang Schareck, the rector of the University of Rostock he used the chance to find out about the variety of the research landscape and its potential for the future.
17th Wind Integration Workshop - International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants, 2018, Stockholm, Schweden
The workshop provides an opportunity for experts to discuss solutions for the integration of renewable networks and the latest technological advances, as well as to exchange ideas on how the challenges of the coming years can be tackled together. The primary objective is to promote interdisciplinary thinking between industry and research. Alexander Schöley presented his paper "Lyapunov-Based Control for Grid Side Inverters of Wind Turbine Systems".
Alexander Schöley presented his contribution "Lyapunov-Based Control for Grid Side Inverters of Wind Turbine Systems".
20th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE ECCE Europe), 2018, Riga, Lettland
The EPE ECCE Europe is an important European conference in the fields of power electronics, systems and components and offers an excellent platform to present the scientific results of the association to a broad public and to enter into a dialogue with specialists in various fields.
The "Netz-Stabil" association was represented at the conference with a total of three contributions.
Magdalena Gierschner:
"Influence of Dynamic misorientation of PLL for Small-Signal Analysis of Converter Control in Weak grids"
Michael Schütt:
"Design and Analysis of Discrete Current Regulators for VSIs"
Dr. Sidney Gierschner:
"Rotating-Voltage-Vector Control for Wind Energy Plants providing Possibility for Ancillary Services"
In January 2017, the research association "Netz-Stabil" started its work. Supported by the Excellence Research Programme of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 18 young scientists and numerous students from the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, the Universities of Greifswald and Rostock are working together on problems of grid stability with wind and bioenergy, storage and loads.
On 05.09.2018, the project partners gave an account of the results of the first year of research in a status seminar. Representatives of the Ministry of Education, the LAGuS and the PtJ were welcomed as guests.
IEEE 9th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG), 2018, Charlotte, USA
Sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society and organized by the PELS Technical Committee on Sustainable Energy Systems, the symposium provides power electronics experts with an opportunity to present the results of their cutting-edge research and learn what is expected for the future of the power grid. Dr Sidney Gierschner presented his contribution "Frequency-dependent Control of the Active Power Consumption of Converter-fed Loads for Grid Support" at the symposium
Politics meets science: The Energy Committee of the State Parliament has now obtained information from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Rostock on how the much acclaimed "Netz-Stabil" project from the Excellence Research Programme of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is being implemented.
More pictures can be found in the photo archive of the ITMZ
International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe), 2018, Nürnberg, Deutschland
Also this year the visit of PCIM Europe, as one of the most important conferences and fairs in the field of electrical engineering, is an integral part for the association. Michael Schütt and Sidney Gierschner as members of the working group "Wind energy plants" took the opportunity to exchange ideas with national and international scientists as well as to gather new insights for further work in the project.
On 23.03.2018 the scientists of the research association "Netz-Stabil" visited the waste and bioenergy pilot plant of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. The head of the facility Dr.-Ing. Nils Engler guided through the laboratories and gave an overview of the main research areas.
Jan Sprafke then presented a test stand on which the soluble carbon (measured as COD) is separated from biowaste samples. The biowaste is exposed to various thermal and mechanical influences during defined periods using water as a solvent. Initial results are promising and corresponding follow-up tests will be carried out soon.
Science Minister Birgit Hesse visits the "Netz-Stabil" research association
During her research trip to the research alliances funded by the state's excellence research programme, the Minister of Education, Science and Culture of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also visited "Netz-Stabil".
After an introductory lecture by the project coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Günter Eckel, she visited the Alfred-Leder-Halle. Within the scope of work package 10 "Grid stabilization by pump and fan systems", the excellent research environment in the anechoic chamber of the Chair of Turbomachinery can be used. By modifying the existing pump circuit, possible effects of grid-stabilizing pump control algorithms on the connected water supply network can be investigated. The aim is to describe the limits of such a network-related regulation.
More impressions in the event archive of the ITMZ.
Guest lecture by Dr. János Zierath
On 6 March 2018, Dr. János Zierath from W2E Wind to Energy GmbH in Rostock held a lecture at the chair of Control Engineering. The exciting presentation informed the audience about the dynamic behaviour of wind energy plants and both conventional and modern control methods for them.
Within the scope of work package 10 "Grid stabilization by pump and fan systems", the excellent research environment in the low-reflection sound measuring room of the Chair of Turbomachinery is used. By modifying the existing pump circuit, possible effects of the grid-stabilizing algorithms of the pump control on the connected water pipe network can be investigated.
The aim is to describe the limits of such a network-relevant control system.
4th Meeting of PhD students
The joint project "Netz-Stabil" has been running for one year now. The preparation of the first annual and factual reports is imminent. The aim is to present the progress and results of the project partners. Possible problems and questions are discussed during the meeting.
The working groups "Wind Energy Plants" and "Loads" present their results and show how to proceed.
7th International Conference on Solid Waste Management (IconSWM), 2017, Hyderabad, India
Dr Andrea Schüch and Jan Sprafke presented their contributions "Technological options for biogenic waste and residues - overview of current solutions and developments" and "Possibilities of biogas enhancement by hydrogen addition as contribution to the energy transition". Jan Sprafke's contribution was awarded the Springer Excellent Paper Award 2017.
The PEDS takes place every two years and is one of the most important conference series in the field of power electronics and drive systems. It offers academics and industry experts around the world the opportunity to share their knowledge of the latest power electronics and drive technologies and applications. Dr Sidney Gierschner gained insights into how the problems associated with the energy revolution are viewed in an international context. Individual countries have different approaches and solutions.
3rd Meeting of PhD students
In addition to organisational aspects that enable a smooth running of the research project, the focus was again on technical issues. This time, the working groups “Bioenergy plants and storages" and " Framework conditions and incentive systems" presented their first results.
On 23 November 2017, this year's Forschungscamp took place in the Atrium, Konrad-Zuse-Haus. On a total of 70 posters, scientists from seven faculties and the Interdisciplinary Faculty, as well as from the University of Rostock's Medical Faculty and its associated institutes presented their research topics. Together with Prof. Bettina Eichler-Löbermann, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Equality and Diversity Management and Prof. Rüdiger Köhling, Dean of the Interdisciplinary Faculty, Mr Christian Pegel, Minister for Energy, Infrastructure and Digitisation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and patron of the 2017 Forschungscamp, embarked on an exciting journey through the fields of university research. Among other things, the tour led him to Dr Sidney Gierschner from the project "Grid stability with wind and bioenergy, storages and loads under consideration of an optimal sector coupling" (Netz-Stabil). The joint project is funded by the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as part of the Excellence Research Programme and deals with the stabilisation of the electrical supply grid with increasing feed-in from wind turbines and photovoltaics.
The joint project was also represented by the sub-project of the Chair of Waste and Resource Management. Dr Andrea Schüch gave interested participants an insight into the contribution of bioenergy in the country and the possibilities of biogas plants for flexible power supply.
The energy revolution is leading to the growing importance of distribution grids. The comprehensive installation of decentralised energy generation plants can provide an improved emergency supply for the critical infrastructure in off-grid operation and can also help restore power supply in the event of a breakdown.
The opportunities but also the challenges and the necessary prerequisites for such solutions were presented and discussed in the forum. In addition, results from research projects and field tests were presented and, in addition to the technical approaches, economic and legal questions were also addressed.
Dr Sidney Gierschner can incorporate the information gained into the further research of the association.
2nd Meeting of PhD students
At the time of the second PhD student meeting, almost all project partners were able to demonstrate the successful filling of all vacancies. The event focused on issues of grid-stabilising inverter control for wind turbines, grid stability and supply security as well as grid expansion in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
Professor Hans-Günter Eckel presented the contents and objectives of the joint project "Netz-Stabil" at a meeting of the association Energiebündnis Rostock.
Workshop "Sektorenkopplung und Netzstabilität", Kittendorf, Germany
GMA/ETG-Fachtagung - Netzregelung und Systemführung, Berlin, Germany
The symposium dealt with problems of maintaining system stability and security of supply under changed framework conditions. A discussion took place from both an operational and scientific point of view. Michael Schütt used the meeting to exchange knowledge with experts on issues that also affect the project "Netz-Stabil". The symposium was chaired by Prof. Harald Weber.
8th International Symposium on AUTOMATIC CONTROL (AUTSYM) 2017, Wismar, Germany
The AUTSYM enables the exchange of information and experience between experts from universities and industry. The event focuses on general automation technology, mechatronics and medical technology. Research results and topics such as energy systems and power generation, communication and communications technology, modelling and simulation, sensor and actuator technology and control engineering are also discussed. Alexander Schöley presented his contribution "Anwendung von Predictive Functional Control zur spannungsorientierten Einspeiseregelung von Windkraftanlagen". The contribution, as a collaboration of two project partners, is also a groundbreaking example of collaboration within the association.
EPE ECCE Europe brings together specialists in the fields of power electronics, systems and components to present papers and to attend state of the art presentations in these demanding and evolutionary sectors. The conference is also a meeting place for researchers, developers and specialists from science and industry. Michael Schütt and Dr Sidney Gierschner use these possibilities for the further work in the joint project.
ASME 2017 Power and Energy Conversion Conference, 2017, Charlotte, USA
Dr. Moritz Hübel and Jens Hinrich Prause presented their contribution "Simulation of Ancillary Services in Thermal Power Plants in Energy Systems with High Impact of Renewable Energy".
1st Meeting of PhD students
The first PhD students' meeting focused on getting to know the scientific staff already working on the project. During the meeting of scientists from different fields, the first contacts could be made and intersections of the individual subprojects could be found. Only these interdependencies enable successful cooperation within the association.
International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management (PCIM Europe), 2017, Nuremberg, Gemany
PCIM is one of the most important conferences and fairs in the field of power electronics. Michael Schütt and Sidney Gierschner inform themselves about current developments and research in the fields of grid stability, wind energy and inverter control. The exchange with other national and international scientists enables the acquisition of new knowledge and opens up new perspectives on one's problems.
9th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, 2017, Kanpur, India
Dr Andrea Schüch presented her contribution " Bioenergy as complement of fluctuating energy and its system integration".
The joint project "Netz-Stabil" is launched. In addition to the professors, the meeting of the partners participating in the research association was attended by the future scientific staff, whose involvement in the project had already been confirmed. The individual project partners presented their sub-projects, expectations, procedures and objectives.
Representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania were also present as the funding body, from the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (LAGuS) as the approval authority and from the project management organisation Jülich (PtJ) as scientific support for the joint project.